Friday, October 16, 2009

Author #1-Eric Carle

Author #1- Eric Carle-official website
Eric Carle is one of my wife’s favorite authors. She uses his books for integrating Language Arts, math, science, and social studies. The themes of his stories are usually drawn from his extensive knowledge and love of nature—an interest shared by most small children. Besides being beautiful and entertaining, his books always offer the child the opportunity to learn something about the world around them. It is his concern for children, for their feelings and their inquisitiveness, for their creativity and their intellectual growth that, in addition to his beautiful artwork, makes the reading of his books such a stimulating and lasting experience.
Carle says: “With many of my books I attempt to bridge the gap between the home and school. To me home represents, or should represent; warmth, security, toys, holding hands, being held. School is a strange and new place for a child. Will it be a happy place? There are new people, a teacher, classmates—will they be friendly?

From Head to Toe, 1997“I can do it!” is the confidence-building message of this book. As young children copy the antics of Eric Carle’s animals, they’ll learn such important skills as careful listening, focusing attention, and following instructions. Just as alphabet books introduce letters and simple words, From Head to Toe introduces the basic body parts and simple body movements - the ABC’s of dancing, gymnastics, and other sports activities.

The Tiny Seed, 1970Poetic but simple text and lovely collage pictures dramatize the life cycle of all plants, as one tiny seed grows into an enormous sunflower, which then produces more seeds in its turn. Carried from its flower home by the autumn wind, a tiny seed travels around the world. Its journey is perilous, and the reader learns the fate of fellow seeds: they can fall into the ocean, be burned by the sun, or be eaten by birds. Even those seeds that land and begin to grow are in danger of being stepped on or picked. Against the odds, however, this tiny seed survives to grow into a grand, beautiful flower, ready, in turn, to send its seeds out into the world on the wind.
Sorry I still haven't figured out how to put the pictures of the books on the blog. If anyone has any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.

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