Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Guided Reading Websites

I looked up several websites for Guided Reading. Since my wife started using Guided Reading last year but the last half of the year. She has the book "Guided Reading: Good Frist Teaching For All Children" by Irene C. Fountas & Gay Su Pinnell (1996). They have had training and this year used the Fountas and Pinnell Assessment and CD ROM to input all their data. She says that the Assessments pretty much were even with how she had grouped her students. The following are some interesting websites about Guided Reading. A lot of good information.
Guided Reading Websites
This website has everything you need to teach reading. It has leveled readers, benchmark books and running records, reading lessons and worksheets, fluency passages, and assessments and much more.

This website gives you a whole list of Guided Reading websites.

Gives you a lot of information about shared and guided reading. Has a link to skills and strategies to focus on, leveling books, running records, where to find leveled sets of emergent readers etc.

D. Websites with Emergent Readers to download:

This website gives you a peek at how to do guided reading in kindergarten. She gives you exactly what you have to do Monday through Friday. She includes some neat Literacy Center Activities.
There are many good websites out there but these are just a few.

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