Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chpater 6

What I do agree with in Chapter 6 is that stories are a rich oral tradition that have been passed down from generation to generation. I can think of many stories my grandfather use to tell my sister and I as we were growing up. He would tell us stories that are pertinenet to our Hispanic culture. I agree with the text that some stories should not be written down because they might not be written down correctly or the meaning is changed. As a teacher it is important for us to chose our stories carefully. We need to make sure our students are aware of the different cultures and understand and have an appreciation of the different cultures.
The guidelines for choosing literature have changed my way of looking for stories. The guidelines are excellent source of how to chose appropriate traditional literature taking into account their culture and literary considerations.
There was not really anything in this chapter that I did not agree with or did not like. I found this chapter very interesting. We just need to be careful what stories we select and for what purposes and make sure we do not offend our students culture in the process. We need to be sensitive to their culture.
I could relate to the use of story maps and venn diagrams because when I have observed my wife, who is a kindergarten teacher, during her guided reading she uses venn diagrams to point out what is the title of the story? Who is the author and illustrator? Who are the characters in the story? Where did it take place, the setting? etc. The children seem to remember the informatio better through the use of visuals.

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